

活動日期:2021-11-16 活動連結
【國際研討會】本校電機與資訊學院承辦 2021年智慧訊號處理與通訊系統國際研討會徵稿-地點:台灣花蓮([ISPACS 2021] Call for Paper )

本校電機與資訊學院承辦 2021年智慧訊號處理與通訊系統國際研討會 ( 2021 International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ISPACS 2021) ) , 將於11月16日至11月19日在花蓮福容飯店舉辦,  歡迎各位老師賜稿並轉發研討會訊息。


ISPACS 2021 call for paper :


We are pleased to announce 2021 International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ISPACS 2021) (http://www.ieee-ispacs2021.org/) will be held on November 16-19, 2021 in Hualien, Taiwan.


Online paper submission is available now. Related information is listed below.

Submission Guideline:  http://www.ieee-ispacs2021.org/sguideline.html

Online Paper Submission System:  https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ispacs2021


Important Dates

2-Page Paper Submission: June 20, 2021

Notification of Acceptance: September 1, 2021

Camera Ready Paper Due: September 20, 2021

Early Bird Registration: October 5, 2021



Please find the attached Call for Paper for your reference. It would be highly appreciated if you could share this information with the person interested in ISPACS 2021 and encourage them to submit their abstracts.



2021年智慧訊號處理與通訊系統國際研討會徵稿延期至7月20日,歡迎師生繼續投稿, 並轉發本研討會訊息~~

會議日期:  2021年11月16至11月19日

會議地點:  花蓮市福容大飯店

研討會論文頁數: 2頁  

相關期刊夥伴::  Electronics: 研討會特刊網址:   

Electronics | Special Issue : Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems (mdpi.com)




The paper submission deadline has been extended to July 20, attached updated Call for Paper for your reference. Please share this information to your students, colleagues as well as the person interested in ISPACS 2021 and encourage them to submit their paper!



Other information

Ÿ   Online Paper Submission System: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ispacs2021

Ÿ   Conference Topics: http://www.ieee-ispacs2021.org/topics.html

Ÿ   Submission Guideline: http://www.ieee-ispacs2021.org/sguideline.html


Ms. Alice Tsao

Secretariat of ISPACS 2021

Tel: +886-983-736-321

E-Mail: ispacs2021@gmail.com

Website: www.ieee-ispacs2021.org


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